The Dialog Research Center

August 28 2012 :: Student Elizabeth Davis and Dialog Research Center faculty member Maxine Eskenazi featured on the CMU home page!

The Dialog Research Center at Carnegie Mellon (DialRC) is devoted to the service of the international spoken dialog community. Whether you spell it with an "og" or an "ogue", whether you are new to the field or an old salt, this Center should have something that can be useful for you. The Dialog Research Center has four thrusts:

Data processing and distribution

DialRC collects and distributes spoken dialog data from real users. Starting with the more than 150,000 dialogs collected from the Let's Go effort, the DialRC team is taking care of the distribution and labelling of the data and will send it out upon request. The team is also creating a system to answer 311 calls that will produce another type of information-centric dialog data. We are also open to distributing data from other sources.


DialRC conducts tutorials and workshops on spoken dialog systems. These tutorials are intended to span a wide range of topics and address a wide range of participants.


DialRC provides a testbed with real users that anyone in the community can run tests on, gathering a large amount of data. The DialRC teams aids in preparation of the studies and in packaging of the data that is collected.

Spoken Dialog Challenges

DialRC conducts community-wide spoken dialog challenges (SDC). There are a variety of ways to participate in this effort, which is aimed at bringing the community together and providing common data and tasks.

Findings from the SDC 2010 were presented at a special session on Dec 15th 2010 at SLT 2010 in Berkeley, California.